Our Last, looks back on the memories I had with my Taid (Grandad) growing up visiting his home in North Wales with my cousins. This Project was triggered from the passing of my Taid in January 2023, turning my grief into inspiration and a way to process all of the amazing memories I shared in North Wales with my family.
 The project includes archive images of my family and the area, and new images made with my cousin in response to these ideas of memory, family and loss. I combined 3D elements to my work to explore new technology and "fragmented" memories visually aswell as creating "ghosts" using garments I created for the project to fully embrace the concept.
The title "Our Last" comes from an archive image of my Taid and his wife, on the back he wrote "Our last summer together 2002." My Grandmother passed away from cancer that summer, and so I thought this would be a beautiful tribute to him and his words.

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